Social Icons

Senin, 15 April 2013


1.      Explain the function of heart!
2.      Explain the order of mechanism of pulmonary blood circulatory system from ventricle dexter!
3.      Explain the order of mechanism of systemic blood circulatory system from ventricle sinister!
4.      What is call the blood circulatory system in human?
5.      Write down minimaly 4 functions of the blood!
6.      What is the meaning of :
a.       Close blood circulatory
b.      Double blood circulatory
7.      Why ventricle has thicker muscle than atrium?
8.      Why sinister ventricle has thicker muscle than dexter ventricle?

Answer :
1.      The function of heart is
to pump the blood to all part of the body(sinister ventricle). For (dexter ventricle) is to pump the blood to lung.
2.      The mechanism of pulmory blood circulatory system starts from right ventricle that rich CO2 through semilunar valves to lungs through pulmonary arteries. In the lung, happen the exchange of CO2 and O2. The blood that rich O2 go to left atrium through pulmonary veins.
3.      The mechanism of systematic blood circulatory system starts from sinister ventricle that rich O2 to the semilunar valves then circulates to all parts of body(except lungs) through aorta. Aorta is divided by 2. They are superior aorta that circulates the bloods to the upper part of body and inferior aorta that circulates the bloods to lower part of body. The bloods has circulated in all part of body that rich CO2, back to right atrium through inferior vena cava from lower part of bady and superior vena cava from upper part of body. Then, the blood from right atrium go to right ventricle through tricuspid valves. Then the bloods go to semilunar valve, after that the bloods go to lungs through pulmonary arteries. In the lung, happen the exchange of CO2 and O2. The blood that rich O2, go to left atrium then go to left ventricle through bicuspid valves
4.      Blood circulatory system in human is the system that is circulated the blood to all part of body that is pumped by heart.
5.      The functions of blood are :
a.      As a circulatory organ
b.      Kills microbes (white blood cell) => by eating the mircobes (phagocytotic) or by forming antibody (body immunity) => white blood
c.       Clotting the blood, thrimbocytes cover injury by producing fibrin (smooth thread) that can clotting the blood
d.      Regulating the body temperature
e.       To transport the O2 , from lungs to all parts of body and to take CO2 from all parts of the body to the lungs => HEMOGLOBIN
f.       To transport the food essence, from intestine to all parts of the body(plasma blood)
g.      To transport the excretion to the kidney (Plasma blood)

6.      The meaning of :
a.       Close blood circulatory is a blood circulation that blood always circulates inside vessels.
b.      Doble blood circulatory is a blood circulation that in one time circulates, blood flows through heart for two times. Double blood circulation consists of pulmory and systematic blood circulation.

7.      Ventricle wall has thick muscle than atrium, because ventricles have to work harder, namely to pump blood to all parts of body.
8.      Sinister ventricle has thick muscle than dexter ventricle, because sinister ventricle has to pump blood through arteries to all part of body. Then, dexter ventricle only has to pump blood through pulmonary arteries to the lungs.

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