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Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

Methods of Avoiding Ourselves From NAPZA

NAPZA is Narcotica, Psychotropic, and Addictive Substance. It is very dangerous for us. That's very bad if we fall to NAPZA incircle. Below some methods to avoid ourselves from NAPZA:
  1. Understanding negative effects produce from using NAPZA. That's true. If we know the negative effects from NAPZA, we never try it.
  2. Manage our emotion and keeping our selves away from ugly intercourse. So, we must find a good social network with good people there
  3. Positive and creative thinking.
  4. Understanding the punishment that is found in "UU No. 22 Tahun 1997" about Psychotropic and "UU No. 5 Tahun 1997" about narcotic
  5. Reinforcing the faith to the God. 'cause without God's power, human will be weak
  6. Strengthen the affection of family
  7. Develope love and care to our friends and our family
Source :
Materi Kelas VIII Zaiz

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