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Selasa, 09 April 2013

Anemia dan Angina

Kenali gejala, penyebab, dan pencegahan angina dan anemia sebagai langkah pertama menuju hidup sehat dan bersahaja :D


1.     Sympston :
a.       The pantient feels pain on their left chest(pain chest), sometime their pain spread to the arms, neck and jaws.
b.      The chest pain lasting for 1-5 minutes. If, it lasts until 20 minutes it means not angina but heart attack.
c.       In angina pectoris may present other complaints such as ashpyxia, tiredness, sometimes chest pain with cold sweat
2.     The causes
Angina causes by hard activities, stress, feeling worry for long time, etc then make the heart muscle in short supply of oxygen
3.     Prevention :
a.       Activities
o   Doing physical exercise to improve the blood circulation, to prevent angina attack, and to improve the health
o   Planning the physical exercise program based on heart ability
o   Latihan dapat dikerjakan adalah berjalan joging, bersepeda atau renang. The examples of physical exercise program are joging, cycling, swimming, etc.
b.      Diet
o   Doing diet to decrease the body weight for the people that has over the body weight
o   Restriction of fat and calorie
o   Avoiding fatty food
c.       Cold weather
o   Improving of metabolism when chiled
o   Wearing the thick dress
o   Avoiding of activitis that needed long time
d.      Emotional stress
o   Knowing and releasing the caused of stress
o   Using the steps to decrease stress respond, when stress take the place, for example using relaxing technic.
4.     Solution :
The solutions of this illness by drinking some medicine below :
a.       Beta-blocker => Limiting the make-up of heartbeat so decrease the requirement of oxygen.
b.      Nitrat short-acting and long-acting (the example is nitroglycerin) => Causes enlargement of wall blood vessels. 1 tablet of nitroglycerin is put under tongue, commonly it will cure the sympton of angina about 1-3
c.       Nitrat long-acting => Drinked by 1-4 times / day
There are many nitrat in plaster form, where this medicine is absorbed through skin about many hours.
d.      Antagonis kalsium => Avoiding the constriction of blood vessels.
Antagonis kalsium also effective to cure variant angina.

A.     The sympton are
1.      Lip, palm of hand, tongue, and skin are seen wan
2.      The pantient unable to stand up or sit for long time
3.      The pantient feels dizzy and headache
4.      The pantient’s body are 5 L (Lemah, lesu, lunglai, letih, and lelah)
5.      The decrease of appetite
6.      The eyes form are concave and if seen from eyes pocket in the upper and deep there are a red color and somewhat white

B.     The causes are
1.     The decrease of  ZAT BESI in the body causes the hemoglobin rate in blood less normal
a.       In babies, they experience the decrease of ZAT BESI is caused by their mother that suffers loss the zat besi
b.      In children, they experience the decrease of ZAT BESI is caused by their food are not contains ZAT BESI
c.       In adults, they experience the decrease of ZAT BESI is caused by  haemorrahage which repeatedly from all parts of body.
2.     Often forget to eat
3.     The lacking of vitamine B12
4.     Less sleep and too weary
5.     The decrease of cell production
6.     The crashing of cell redundantly

C.      The prevention :
1.      Improving to eat the foods which containing many ZAT BESI. the food sources which containing many ZAT BESI are meat, pumpkin and it's seed, green vegetables, etc
2.      Consuming foods that can help to absorb the ZAT BESI
3.      Reducing the consume of drink that can decelerate of absorbing ZAT BESI
D.     Solution :
1.      Improving to eat the foods which containing many ZAT BESI, for anemia which is lacking ZAT BESI
2.      Injecting of vitamine B12 (hydroxocobalamine), for anemia which is caused by lacking vitamin B12
3.      Blood transfusion (in serious condition)
4.      Enlarge the lymph

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